Sadly the cost of medication has taken the money from retirement funds.
If you have been reading my articles, you know that my passion is to help people learn about options and how to prepare for their future.
Many people have no idea these services are available so I wish to just touch on them:
Personalized Pharmacies
In this day of large chain pharmacies, the neighborhood drugstore has almost disappeared. There are a few left, though who still custom compound prescription analgesic creams. They are a bit expensive and getting reimbursement from your medical plan can be a hassle, but if you gain relief it’s worth the effort. Some people can not tolerate regular medications. This type of pharmacy can make special prescriptions to fit your needs. Remember to work with your doctor when using any type of pharmacy.
Medical alert equipment
New technology can help someone who is ill in so many ways.
Many companies now carry medical alert systems. Whenever you need help, one press of your lightweight, waterproof button activates a small in-home unit. It puts you in touch with a caring monitor who talks with you to find out what kind of help you need. If you press your button and can’t speak, your monitor knows exactly what to do. There are at least three companies that carry their own version of this system.

Home monitoring systems that provide a valuable service. If you do not answer your telephone over a specified period of time, an alert will be sent and someone will check out your home.
Make sure the system you select will work over your entire property – inside the home, in the garden, in the backyard, the garage. A service contract is available for the better systems, and well worth the nominal cost. Finally, make sure there is 24/7 support to call EMS, police or your doctor.
For those with an Alzheimer’s loved one living at home, there are alarms put on windows plus security companies can set up your security system to warn you if the patient is trying to get out of the house. Security systems no longer just keep burglars out.
House Call Physicians
Medicare benefits provide for physician’s house calls. If you are unable to travel to see your physician, you may arrange to have a physician visit you at home. Be sure that your personal physician or your home health nurse approves of the medical group sending physicians to your home.
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