Ms. Fabian practices Elder Law and Geriatric Care Management as owner of ElderWISE Advisor/Advocate in Clawson, Michigan. Her work with older adults began early in her life, when she worked at Focus:HOPE (a human rights organization formed after the 1967 Detroit riots) to help develop the nation’s first supplemental food program for the elderly poor. While caring for her mother who had a massive stroke from which she was not expected to live, she was named Outstanding Woman Law Student at Wayne State University School of Law. Now, as Adjunct Professor at Wayne State University, she teaches Geriatric Care Management to spur students to dedicate their lives to working with our elders.
Her prolific writing includes over 100 articles on issues of aging, and a five-year project–a book about her work with a retired professor of English Literature who was fading into the fog of dementia. Ms. Fabian earnestly assembled, through piecemeal trial and error, communication techniques to reach through the fog of dementia and make meaningful contact with these suffering souls.