It’s the rare one who asks about our welfare, as if our concerns, stresses, dilemmas, emotions and frustrations are invisible. “If they only knew,” we often mumble to ourselves.

It’s the rare one who asks about our welfare, as if our concerns, stresses, dilemmas, emotions and frustrations are invisible. “If they only knew,” we often mumble to ourselves.
“Children, in finding a way to cope with unmanageable grief. May patronize, ignore, or simply not visit aging. Ill parents or those parents who are too forgetful to recognize them or to recall if the children had come the day before.
Imperative, absolutely imperative is to not allow yourself to be cornered time-wise into selecting a nursing home or signing a nursing home contract.
I began to wonder why I was feeling grief in anticipation of her eventual passing. “Anticipatory grief,” I thought, must be a new concept.