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News about Just Ask


Our First show to air on PBS

Wow our first show to air on PBS Channel 56 was Great! Our show segment titled What’s My Legal Rights with guest Elder Law Attorney Jim Schuster was well received. Attorney Schuster provided a wealth of supportive information for those who are in need of legal counseling or representation for themselves and/or a love one. […]

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“Just Ask” Talk Show BIRTHDAY!

IT’S SOMEBODY BIRTHDAY TO DAY!! :Just Ask” Foundation Inc. and “Just Ask” Talk Show are celebrating 20 years of service! Yes! Once upon a time this was just a dream of mine to create a vehicle that could help bring the voices and concerns of the disabled and elderly together to be heard. Also, for […]

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My First Birthday Without MOM

I like to Thank All Of YOU! who made my Birthday a BEAUTIFUL DAY! with your wishes and prayers. This was my first Birthday without my MOM since her passing on May 11, 2015 which has been a very difficulty time, but I can feel her presence with me telling me that she is fine […]

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