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News about Just Ask


“Just Ask” Talk Show Journalist Corner

“Just Ask” Talk Show is seeking writers for it’s website page the “JOURNALIST CORNER” If you have helpful information, resources, skills or knowledge regarding services or things that might be helpful to others especially for our DISABLE, ELDERLY or CAREGIVERS We like to hear your story and share it with others. For more detail on […]

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“Just Ask” Talk Show

You’ve heard the saying “YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT” Well tune in this Wednesday morning on PBS WTVS Channel 56 at 5:30am and catch the interview with Holistic Care Specialist Khephera Jesal better known as Dr.K. as discuss with your host Marsha Florence bad eating habits versus positive changes.

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“Just Ask” Talk Show

It’s 3:45am on Thursday morning October 4th I stayed up to get some work done on the new seasons topic. Then it dawned on me I never ask what topic wold my viewers be interested in? So I’m sending this messages out to you my viewers, family and friends to ask what show subjects are […]

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“Just Ask” Talk Show

Did you know there are some exercises that you should do at home daily? Well tune in this Wednesday morning to “Just Ask” Talk Show on PBS Channel 56 at 5:30am an watch Plan of Action Fitness with Medical Fitness Trainer Julian Palm as he show Marsha a few good moves!

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