Shifting Energies and Integration of LIGHT! Major Report!

Namaste, Merhotep!

People are reporting various symptoms as the shift is gradually made out of Mercury Retrograde (the post-shadow is still in effect) and the Super Full Moon many days ago as well as continual cosmic happenings such as “Plasma Waves”. Some people are feeling so strangely that they are wondering about their overall health. The feeling that something is “wrong” is a natural effect of the continuous integration of SOURCE LIGHT. This LIGHT is ramped-up, is strong, and is coming in more often as cleansings and upgradings steadily occur. They are pushed forth by the many cosmic events which are discussed in these lessons. If health consultations are desired, they should be given by naturally-oriented Physicians because only NATURE is being allowed to give comfort and true healing at this time. The current symptoms of increased LIGHT activation are the following; but remember, not everyone has all of these symptoms.

Some people are very sensitive to cosmic energies. However, even those who are not so sensitive are now beginning to feel many of these symptoms because everyone is receiving intensive LIGHT. These symptoms are those researched by Physicians, Spiritual Scientists, Astro-Physicists and other types of “Energy Healers” and “Researchers” around the world. PHYSICAL symptoms are the most prevalent because the body catches up after the EMOTIONS and the MENTAL states are activated first. In other words, the PHYSICAL body reacts to thoughts and emotions. Thus, these symptoms of thoughts and emotions are worked on first by SOURCE. Then all sorts of PHYSICAL symptoms come up for clearing, cleansing, and purifying. Save this information for your understanding for yourself and others (family members, friends, etc.).

PHYSICAL: exhaustion (even after a good night’s sleep), back and neck pain, itching skin, vision problems, upset stomach, rapid heart rhythm and irregular beats, elevated blood pressure, feeling hot, sweating or feeling extremely cold, headaches, weak feeling in legs and arms, sudden weight gain or loss, clogged lymph nodes, sinus issues, teeth and gum issues, lack of appetite

EMOTIONAL: anxiety, depression, not wanting to be bothered with certain people and activities, irritability, anger, frustrations of various types, lack of motivation

MENTAL: thoughts of the past (both good and difficult times), anger images (politics, people, social conditions, etc.), vengeful thoughts, hatreds
The following comes over time; be patient.

SPIRITUAL: being more spiritually-centered, more calm days than anxious days, revelations, better meditations, focused prayers, various Divine blessings and synchronicities, feeling much better in body, mind, and emotions, increased faith in SOURCE, greater intuition

Realize that dross has to be cleared-away in order for gold to be revealed. Keep up your prayers and meditations. Employ your spiritual and natural “tools”.
Love, Schavi

Note: Ringing in the ears is usually hearing the sounds of other dimensions. Thus, it is a SPIRITUAL symptom.

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